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At Manse Medical we offer both Attended Level-1 Sleep Studies, which are the most comprehensive standard available and At Home Level-2 Sleep Testing.

Level 1 Attended Sleep Studies

If you are referred for an attended Level-1 sleep study, you will stay overnight in a sleep centre or hospital, where trained Sleep Technologists will record and analyse your sleep. When you have a sleep study attended by a Technologist performing the test, there is minimal chance of misdiagnosing a sleep disorder or having a “failed” test.

Attended sleep studies record up to 16 different signals, allowing the Specialist to assess every physiological aspect of your sleep.

Dr Andrew Bradbeer

Attended sleep studies also allow therapy implementation under the guidance of trained staff, which is the gold standard practice for patients requiring CPAP therapy. Implementation of CPAP is called a CPAP titration sleep study, where throughout the night your Technologist determines the exact level of CPAP that is required, specific to your disorder.​

Other advantages include digital video recording for assistance in positional disorders, parasomnias and leg movement disorder detection.

Level 2 At Home Sleep Tests

There are many different “levels” of home sleep tests available these days. The most common, typically performed by pharmacies, is a Level-3 study which has limited channels for recording EEG, focusing mainly on breathing and oxygen levels. Level-4 studies typically only record breathing and oxygen saturation. These limited channel home sleep tests tend to dramatically under-diagnose sleep disorders and have a relatively high failure rate.

Manse Medical only offer the highest level of home sleep testing (Level-2), measuring EEG, EOG, EMG, leg movements, effort of breathing, nasal airflow, snoring, ECG and oxygen levels.

However, the home sleep test is not for everyone. If you are suspected of having moderate-to-severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), then a home sleep test may be appropriate for confirming this diagnosis. If your severity of OSA is predicted to be lower than this, if you are being investigated for any other sleep disorder or if you have a complex medical history, then a home sleep test is often not appropriate and an attended Level -1 sleep study should be recommended.

Lung Function Tests

Manse Medical offers a range of Lung Function Tests that measure the function of the lungs.  Testing includes Spirometry, DLCO Gas Transfer, Lung Volumes, Bronchial Provocation Tests, Cardiopulmonary Tests, 6 Minute Walk Tests, MIPS/MEPS and SNIP. The tests are conducted by a trained Respiratory Technologists.

A Lung Function Test is an effective and accurate way to:

  • help the diagnosis of lung disease
  • assist your doctor in being able to offer specific treatment and management of your condition
  • monitor the lung function of certain conditions
  • assess pre-operative risk
  • assess health status prior to employment​

What do you need to know prior to your test?

Part of the testing measures the effect of bronchodilator medication, so it is important that you obtain your doctor’s permission to withhold the following medication prior to testing.
  • 4 hours prior-no Ventolin, Atrovent, Bricanyl, Asmol, Alvesco
  • 12 hours prior-no Serevent, Seretide, Oxis, Symbicort​
It is also important to advise the Respiratory Technologist if you have had any of the following:
  • Abdominal surgery in the past six weeks
  • Thoracic (chest/heart) surgery in the past six weeks
  • Neurosurgery (brain/spinal cord) in the past six weeks
  • Ocular (eye) surgery in the past six weeks
  • Pneumothorax (punctured lung) in the past six weeks
  • Angiogram in the previous 24 hours
  • Transbronchial biopsy in the previous 24 hours
  • Recent Myocardial Infarction (heart attack)
  • Recent Pulmonary Embolus
  • Whooping Cough
  • Open Pulmonary Tuberculosis​

Other Important Information

Please do not smoke on the day of the test

  • If you own your own spacer, please bring it with you to the appointment
  • It is recommended that you arrive at your appointment a few minutes early and use the toilet prior to testing

Other useful websites

Lung Foundation Australia,

National Asthma Council Australia,

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