Most people think mouth-breathing while asleep is a totally normal and healthy thing to do.But it isn’t.The truth is that mouth-breathing is an unhealthy sleeping habit with a range of subtle yet unpleasant symptoms, and which can contribute to multiple sleep disordersIn this article we’ll outline exactly what those are, and how to potentially treat them.Why does mouth-breathing occur?There are a couple of common causes for mouth breathing. These include:
- A blocked nose
- The genetic structure of the nose or jaw
- Nasal polyps
Why is mouth-breathing bad?You’re not meant to breathe through your mouth while sleeping, you’re meant to breathe through the nose.Your nose filters, warms and moistens air while breathing, none of which happens in the mouth.Mouth-breathing can put you at higher risk of snoring and obstructive sleep apnea, leading to daytime fatigue.Symptoms can include:
- Lingering tiredness
- Dry mouth
- Bad breath
How is it treated?There are a number of possible ways to treat mouth-breathing.If it’s caused by a blocked nose then the solution is to treat the stuffy sinuses, and ideally you will resume breathing normally.Another home remedy is to use hypoallergenic tape to tape the mouth shut overnight, forcing you to breathe through the nose.Alternatively you can purchase a medical chin strap which goes around the top of the head, holding the mouth shut and, like the tape, forcing you to breathe properly.However, the reality is that if you have a problem with your sleep, it’s best to speak to a doctor.Book an appointment with your GP and get in touch with us to make sure your rest is the best it can be.Sleep well, live well.