My Results

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My Results

Once your sleep study is complete, it is analysed by RPSGT-qualified Sleep Technologists and Sleep Specialists. This process can take some time as a large amount of data is collected that needs to be reviewed frame-by-frame.

​The result is sent to your referring doctor once the Sleep Specialist signs off the final report from this test. If you have been scheduled to have an appointment with a Manse Medical Sleep or Respiratory Specialist, you will receive your results on that day.

​The time between your sleep study’s conclusion and the time you receive your results is typically two to three weeks.

There are several recommendations made on how the Sleep Specialist will manage your sleep disorder.

This may include:

Consultation with Sleep Specialist

In most cases, this can be an important part of the sleep study pathway as it is essential to understand what was found during your sleep study and what our next step will be to manage your sleep disorder.

CPAP Titration Sleep Study

If you have been diagnosed with Sleep Apnea, your Sleep Specialist may recommend that you undertake a follow-up sleep study where you will trial a therapy called CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure). This sleep study allows us to see how your Sleep Apnea responds to CPAP treatment and if you need to start this treatment, what settings your machine will need to be.

Other Follow-up Sleep Study

In some cases, your Sleep Specialist may recommend a follow-up sleep study to trial a different therapy if it is deemed appropriate for your sleep disorder, or a reassessment sleep study once other recommended interventions are implemented. This may include a dental splint, Provent, surgery, medications or a reassessment after weight loss and combined exclusively lateral sleep.

Return to your GP

In some cases, your GP may prefer to discuss the results of your test with you. This is often noted on the referral from your GP. In these instances, we send the results back to your GP and leave management in their hands, unless we are called upon to assist any further.

Manse Medical will contact you once your results have been sent to action the recommendations. If you require a consultation or follow-up sleep study, a date will be booked for you at that time.

Contact Manse Medical if you have any questions or concerns regarding your sleep study results.