A study published in Sleep Medicine journal “Obstructive sleep apnea in pregnancy is associated with adverse maternal outcomes: a national cohort” sampled 1.57 million pregnant women to investigate the association between obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and complications with pregnancy.Of the sample, there were 1,963 women who presented with OSA. They found that the presence of OSA during pregnancy more than doubled the likelihood of developing preeclampsia and gestational diabetes. OSA during pregnancy also tripled the risk of severe complications such as cardiomyopathy, congestive heart failure and hysterectomy.Presence of OSA during pregnancy was also associated with significantly longer hospital stays and increased odds of admission to intensive care. If it’s that time in your life where you are starting a family, it may be important to discuss the quality of your sleep with your GP, particularly if you have any signs or symptoms of OSA.For more information on obstructive sleep apnea, testing and treatment pathways, check out our website: https://sleephealthgroup.com.au Contact us to arrange a sleep study or an appointment with one of Sleep Health Group’s sleep physicians:info@sleephealthgroup.com.au1300 741 017