What is sleep apnoea?
Sleep apnoea happens when the muscles inside the throat relax too much during sleep, causing one’s airways to narrow to the point where the lungs cannot get enough air. The brain recognises this, interrupting sleep so the person can breathe.
The interruptions can be frequent, resulting in fragmented sleep. This contributes to negative factors such as feeling unrefreshed, fatigued and sleepy during the day, as well as poor concentration and performance of daily tasks.
There are different degrees of sleep apnoea, such as;
- normal sleep – fewer than 5 interruptions per hour
- mild sleep apnoea – between 5 and 15 interruptions per hour
- moderate sleep apnoea – between 15 and 30 interruptions per hour
- severe sleep apnoea – more than 30 interruptions per hour
What types of sleep apnoea are there?
The type of sleep apnoea is characterised by the different ways sleep is interrupted. These different types of sleep apnoea share similarities, but their differences are significant because they directly tie into how they can be effectively treated.
Obstructive Sleep Apnoea
Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is the most common form of sleep apnoea, in which the muscles in the back of your throat become too relaxed to allow for normal breathing. When the throat muscles have only mildly relaxed, you may start to snore in your sleep. While snoring is a common symptom of OSA, not everyone who snores has OSA.
Because of this, treatments for OSA involve various methods of opening up your airwaves. That way, your lungs receive enough oxygen while you sleep, and your brain doesn’t need to intervene and interrupt your sleep by waking you up so you can breathe.
Central Sleep Apnoea
Central sleep apnoea is a form of sleep apnoea that is less common and can be more difficult to diagnose and treat. Unlike obstructive sleep apnoea, which is affected by the muscles, central sleep apnoea occurs when the brain does not send the correct messages to the muscles that control breathing.
While this results in the same breathing obstructions associated with obstructive sleep apnoea, it requires a different, more elaborate type of treatment. Additionally, central sleep apnoea is a condition that can affect those with underlying neurological conditions, making its diagnosis and treatment all the more important.
Complex Sleep Apnoea
Complex sleep apnoea is a more recently identified form of sleep apnoea that combines aspects of both obstructive and central sleep apnoea. With complex sleep apnoea, your throat muscles relaxing will cause breathing obstructions that affect your sleep.
However, a key sign of complex sleep apnoea is that breathing problems will persist even after OSA treatment has been administered, and treating complex sleep apnoea means identifying the other causes of breathing obstruction. This form of sleep apnoea is relatively recent and has not been studied as extensively as obstructive or central sleep apnoea. It is therefore more difficult to diagnose and treat.
How does Manse Medical diagnose sleep apnoea?
At Manse Medical, we provide different kinds of sleep tests that can diagnose sleep apnoea.
- Level 1 Attended Sleep Tests – A sleep technologist monitors your sleeping patterns in the clinic to ensure that you are assessed under the optimal conditions to provide the most accurate sleep disorder diagnosis.
- Level 2 At-Home Sleep Tests – If your sleep disruptions aren’t as prominent, you might be referred for a home sleep test. For these tests, you will be provided with sleep monitoring equipment that assesses your sleep habits while you sleep inside your home.
What are the causes of sleep apnoea?
There are various contributing factors for sleep apnoea, including;
- Being overweight or obese, as fat on the inside of the neck surrounds the throat making it narrower
- Age, as throat muscles tend to relax more during sleep in older people
- Alcohol, which makes the throat muscles relax more during sleep, leading to sleep apnoea and snoring
- Certain illnesses, such as reduced thyroid production (hypothyroidism) or the presence of a very large goitre
- Large tonsils and adenoids, which may cause sleep apnoea in children
- Certain medications, such as sleeping tablets and sedatives
- Nasal congestion and obstruction
- Facial bone shape and the size of muscles, such as an undershot jaw
What kinds of sleep apnoea treatment does Manse Medical provide?
Manse Medical provides treatment for each of the different kinds of sleep apnoea. These range from larger, more elaborate treatments to smaller and less intrusive ones, depending on the severity of your sleep apnoea.
Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP)
CPAP therapy is a common treatment for sleep apnoea. A CPAP machine delivers constant and steady air pressure via a mask connected to a hose to a sleeping patient. This is to help you breathe consistently as you sleep. The continuous stream of pressurised air that a CPAP machine delivers pushes against any blockages in your airways, ensuring that the lungs have a consistent flow of oxygen.
For complex sleep apnoea, you might require Bi-Level positive airflow pressure (BiPAP), an alternative CPAP machine that offers two pressure settings: one for inhaling and one for exhaling. A BiPAP device comes with a backup respiratory rate that allows patients with OSA to initiate breath. In contrast, CPAP machines are intended for patients who can initiate breathing but have that breath interrupted.
Mandibular Advancement Splint (MAS)
A mandibular advancement splint (sometimes referred to as an oral device) is a “mouthguard” that is worn while asleep. The fitting on the top teeth is connected to the fitting on the bottom teeth. The bottom fitting of the device is aligned slightly forward, resulting in the airway opening more than at the resting point. This can help prevent airway collapse during sleep, eliminating the sleep interruptions that occur from sleep apnoea.
Positional Devices
Some people only get sleep apnoea when they sleep on their back. To help with this, CPAP providers also provide devices that allow for comfort while preventing you from sleeping on your back, preventing sleep apnoea.
Are there lifestyle adjustments I can make to treat my sleep apnoea?
To treat sleep apnoea, it is also essential that you undertake lifestyle changes. These include losing weight if you are overweight or obese and also cutting down on one’s alcohol intake.
How can I contact Manse Medical for Sleep Apnoea Treatment?
Manse Medical is a sleep clinic in Ballarat, Geelong, Sunshine, Hamilton, Warrnambool and Hobart.
Phone us: 1300 626 730
Email us: admin@mansemedical.com.au
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