Sleep is important for everyone, with many health benefits including:
- Restoring the body
- Aiding brain functions such as attention, memory and learning
- Helping the immune system, heart and blood vessels
- Controlling appetite and weight
What does a sleep doctor do?
A sleep doctor, also known as a sleep specialist, diagnoses sleep disorders by assessing their patients. At first, sleep doctors will try to determine the likely sleep disorders based on the patient’s symptoms. Then, for further clarification, the doctor will conduct a series of comprehensive tests to help identify what disorder could be affecting the patient. Once the patient has been monitored, and a diagnosis has been made, a sleep specialist will then recommend solutions and aid the patient in treating their condition.
What conditions can a sleep doctor diagnose?
A sleep doctor can diagnose a wide range of sleep disorders that affect the general population, including:
Obstructive Sleep Apnoea
Central Sleep Apnoea
Restless Legs Syndrome
- Night Terrors, partial arousals from deep sleep, characterised by sitting up in bed with an expression of fright, panic, screaming and often being inconsolable
- Sleep Walking, in which a person conducts complex behaviours such as walking, eating or driving while fast asleep
- Confusion arousals, which result from incomplete or partial awakening from sleep causing confusion, slow thought process, disorientation to time and place and atypical responses to stimulus
- REM-sleep behaviour disorder, which occurs when vivid dreams are acted out while asleep
What kinds of tests can a sleep doctor conduct?
The sleep doctors at Manse Medical conduct a wide variety of tests in order to diagnose sleeping disorders. These tests are provided in two variations:- Attended Level 1 Sleep Studies, in which the patient stays overnight in a sleep clinic or hospital (sleep tests are not conducted at our clinic), where trained Sleep Technologists will record and analyse their sleep. Attended sleep studies also allow therapy implementation under the guidance of trained staff, which is the gold standard practice for patients requiring Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) therapy.
- Level 2 Home Sleep Tests, in which the patient is monitored in their home, measuring their EEG, EOG, EMG, leg movements, effort of breathing, nasal airflow, snoring, ECG and oxygen levels.
How do I access a sleep doctor?
If you are looking for a sleep doctor, your best bet is to get a referral from your general practitioner. On our website, you can find a referral form for your GP to fill out. Once you have received your referral, book an appointment at one of our centres and we will connect you to a sleep doctor as soon as possible.
Where should I go to find a sleep doctor?
Manse Medical is the premier respiratory and sleep medical centre in Melbourne, Western Victoria, as well as South-East South Australia. We aim to provide the highest level of care for patients with respiratory and sleep disorders throughout Melbourne.
Manse Medical’s experienced team of sleep doctors will help you get the best sleep possible. Book your appointment online by selecting your preferred centre and then choosing from the list of available specialists.