
Home Snoring

Many people require snoring treatment without realising it. Many are afflicted by snoring. But while most people are able to live with snoring to some extent, some find it to be a major interruption to their sleep and relationships, as it can also affect the person they share a bed with. For those people, there are options available that can effectively treat snoring and restore their sleep.

These treatments involved surgical procedures (such as uvulopalatopharyngoplasty, laser uvulopalatopharyngoplasty and somnoplasty). However, these are not permanent and are only used in very particular cases of snoring.

We are going to cover the more common treatments for snoring, from the ones provided by Manse Medical to what you can do at home.

What treatments for sleep apnoea does Manse Medical provide?

There are many treatment options available for snoring and sleep apnoea, each one recommended depending on the individual. Like many sleep disorders, snoring varies in terms of severity, objective and subjective impact on health, and subsequent effects on well-being.

Because of that, sleep physicians at Manse Medical ensure that every patient is treated according to their diagnosis and individual circumstances for positive health outcomes.

We conduct a sleep test to thoroughly understand the condition of your snoring and then assign you the appropriate treatment. That way, you can sleep soundly, knowing your treatment will be effective.

Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP)

Snoring can sometimes be a symptom of sleep apnoea, a sleeping disorder in which breathing is irregular and frequently stops and starts.

CPAP therapy is a common treatment for sleep apnoea. A CPAP machine delivers constant and steady air pressure via a mask connected to a hose to a sleeping patient. This is to help you breathe consistently as you sleep.

The continuous stream of pressurised air that a CPAP machine delivers pushes against any blockages in your airways, ensuring that the lungs have a consistent flow of oxygen. Because your breathing is no longer interrupted, you can sleep soundly.

Mandibular Advancement Splints (MAS)

A mandibular advancement splint (sometimes referred to as an oral device) is used to treat snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnoea.

A MAS is essentially a “mouthguard” which is worn while asleep. The fitting on the top teeth is connected to the fitting on the bottom teeth. The bottom fitting of the device is aligned slightly forward, resulting in the airway opening more than at the resting point. This can help avoid airway collapse during sleep and dampen OSA and snoring.​

MAS is usually considered for patients with a lesser severity of OSA or simply snoring. However, some studies have shown that MAS can be effective for treating a range of severities of OSA. Some considerations need to be made before choosing to treat OSA with a MAS; these should be discussed with your Sleep Physician.

Positional Therapy

Positional therapy is used for people who only snore (or have sleep apnoea) whilst lying supine (on their back).

Positional therapy involves ‘retraining’ your brain to stay lying on your side and avoid rolling onto your back during the night.

This can be done with devices specifically made to prevent rolling onto your back, such as certain pillows, wedges, and wearable position-orientation devices such as NightShift or BuzzPod.

Positional therapy can also be implemented using things around the home, such as rolling a bath towel up and wedging it behind the back or sewing a tennis ball into the back of a pyjama shirt. All of these methods make rolling onto the back extremely uncomfortable, and soon enough, the brain begins to avoid rolling altogether.

What is snoring?

Snoring is noisy breathing through the mouth or nose due to vibrating the soft tissues of a narrowed throat.

During sleep, the muscles of the soft palate and uvula (the structures found in the back of the throat) tend to relax and vibrate when the person breathes. This happens both when breathing through the nose or the open mouth. This relaxed tissue vibrates as air moves back and forth across it, making the characteristic noise.

It’s estimated that around 20 per cent of the population snores at night. More men snore than women, and around one-quarter of males are prone to snoring (Source: Better Health).

Is snoring dangerous?

Snoring on its own isn’t dangerous and can be left untreated with no ill effects on overall health. However, sometimes, a person can snore so loudly that they constantly wake themselves during the night (even though they may not remember it), which can lead to long-term sleep deprivation and fatigue.

In some cases, snoring is part of obstructive sleep apnoea. This occurs when the walls of the throat come together during sleep and block the airway between the voice box and the back of the nose. After a few seconds, the sleeper makes a strong effort and restarts breathing. A person with this disorder might wake up hundreds of times every night without realising it.

Who is the “typical snorer”?

Snoring is more likely when you have a cold, sinusitis or some other reason for a stuffy nose. Additionally, snoring is more common when you sleep on your back. Habitual, chronic night-time snorers, however, tend to share certain characteristics.

The typical snorer is:

  • Male
  • Aged between 30 and 65 years
  • Overweight
  • May have high blood pressure
  • May be told that snoring is worse with alcohol and with a cold

Are there any simple treatments for snoring I can use myself?

The vast majority of snorers don’t require major intervention to treat their snoring. For many, actions as simple as losing weight and cutting back on alcohol tend to reduce the severity of snoring, if not cure it altogether.

Other tips include:

  • Avoid sleeping tablets.
  • Sleep on your side rather than your back.
  • Treat nasal congestion.
  • Ensure the bedroom air is neither too dry nor too humid.
  • Avoid alcohol in the hours before bedtime.

Where can I get high-quality snoring treatment?

Manse Medical is a sleep clinic in Ballarat, Geelong, Sunshine, Hamilton, Warrnambool and Hobart.

Phone us: 1300 626 730

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