As our understanding of the SARS-CoV-2 (coronavirus) continues to evolve, we’re learning more and more about the way the virus is transmitted from person to person. This developing information is very exciting, and incredibly important. The more we understand about how the virus spreads, the more effectively we can block it.Coronavirus spreads through viral particles that are breathed, talked and coughed out.Just last week, the US Government’s Centre for Disease Control has made ‘official’ some of this emerging information. Here are the three main points:
The reasons this information is so important, is that up until this point, medical professionals have assumed that the biggest contributor to viral infections was people making contact with virus particles on hard surfaces. We now know this is not that case.You are most at risk when you’re in an enclosed space with someone who has the virus.We need to change the way we’re thinking about protecting ourselves from the SARS-CoV-2.Of course you still need to be washing your hands and avoiding touching things too much while out and about, but that can’t be the only measure we take. Here are some of the things you need to be doing to make sure you, and your family are safe:
- Keep practicing social distancing
- Wear a mask if you’re going to be inside with other people for an extended period
- Stay home if you’re feeling unwell
- Limit time spent indoors with other people
- Use the COVIDSafe app when going outside
As time goes on, our understanding of this virus will continue to develop, and so will the measure we put in place to limit the spread. But for now, for the sake of your family and the vulnerable members of your community, follow the guidelines.Stay safe.–Source:–This article is from Keystone Medical Media, a sub-entity of Keystone Content.