Lockdown has made you gain weight.Well… probably.To be specific, there’s a 65% chance that lockdown has made you gain weight. And that’s understandable. Long periods of inactivity aren’t healthy, and for a lot of people that’s all lockdown has been.A multi-week period of muscle decay, fat gain and an overall decline in health.But don’t despair! There is plenty that you can do to combat the negative effects of enforced inactivity, and it starts with understanding the impact lockdown has had on your body.HOW LOCKDOWN EFFECTS THE BODYBefore making a positive change, it’s important to know just what’s happening to your body in isolation. From professor of molecular exercise physiology, Keith Baar, here are five key effects:
HOW CAN I MAKE A CHANGE Knowing these effects, the logical next question to ask is what you can be doing to reverse them. And the answer is really simple.
But simple doesn’t mean easy. It takes effort to make a change in these areas, so don’t refrain from starting just because of how obvious these suggestions might sound.
Hopefully these facts and suggestions can help you to get a better understanding of how your body may have been changing under lockdown, and some idea of what you can be doing to make a change.
Stay safe.